Bruce Lipton PhD; the “Main Man” busy bridging science + spirit, uses simple language to explain the otherwise complex. He tells us research indicates that 95% of the time we’re operating from the sub-conscious or ‘habit’ mind + only 5% from the conscious or ‘aware’ mind. 

So when you start to understand that the sub-conscious collects its data from when you're (approx.) 0-6 years old; how does it feel to know this programming occupies centre stage in your adult life?

Because it’s likely you’re not going to have 60 minutes to devote to the full-length clip that's available on YouTube, I’ve included the tight version here, it cuts to the chase:

This video is for educational purposes, I do not own the rights.


Many things started to gel when I understood this.

Worth thinking about, isn’t it?

He says: “we’re not a victim of anything more than the programming we received”.  I try + understand this in simple terms, so just as we update apps on our Smartphone, if we relate this to upgrading the outdated programming that’s running our thoughts, then somehow the change we’re looking to create might not seem so out-of-reach, or daunting.  

Once you understand your thinking + where it comes from, you learn that you can choose to change it for something that works better for you, in this moment, right now. Decide you want change, make the choice to vote for you, start small + build from there.

He gets my high-five for this: “when we understand how we can change our mind (our thinking/programming) we can change our lives. We can then take control. We can then see how powerful we really are in controlling our fate + the fate of the world in which we live”. 

Now doesn’t that sound like freedom?

“Choice is the last human freedom”. Victor Frankl

Here's some food for thought:

  1. Is your 6 year old sub-consciously running the show in your adult life today?
  2. Have you long-held-limiting beliefs that no longer work for you?
  3. What outdated thought-programming’s running autopilot in your life?
  4. How’s this helping you in how you think + show up around the boardroom table, or how you collaborate with colleagues or clients (who might just be being themselves) yet they always seem so have a straight line to your hot-button?

I’ve seen my clients access their own “a-ha” moments when they get this type of insight, so they consciously create the change they crave from an informed + inspired place.